TSB Ratchets Up Sales Pressure With “Needs Improvement” Policy
Will the new recognition scheme drive the wrong kind of behaviours in TSB?TSB has said that the new recognition scheme: “will enable us to recognise our new and enhanced behaviours amongst individuals and teams by making monetary rewards throughout the year, rather...
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Advice For Members
We’re receiving numerous calls from members concerned about COVID-19 and its potential implications for work. Below you’ll find answers to the key questions.Remember, you can call the union’s Advice Team 24 hours a day on 01234 716029 if you have any further...
Sales Revolution In TSB
In one of our previous Newsletters we said: “We have been arguing for a long time that TSB, like Lloyds, should get rid of all performance ratings and instead focus on regular discussions and development. In our recent sales survey, 69% of staff said that the bank...
Peddling Lies In TSB
Following the announcement of branch closures last year, staff in those branches that were due to close had the option to ask to be redeployed into another branch, subject to a role being available. Some Local Banker As and Cs also had the option to register for...
Letter to Chris Cummings Regarding Debbie Crosbie’s Pension Allowance
Please click this text to view a PDF version of the letter.
Pay Misery For TSB Staff
To put TSB’s 2020 pay proposals into perspective, members should read the next sentence carefully. Compensation for key management personnel in TSB, which is the Board and Executive Committee, increased by 3,149.2% between 2018 and 2019. No, we haven’t got that figure...
Pay 2020
The bank will shortly announce its pay proposals. Given that TSB staff have seen their pay decline relative to other financial services organisations over the last few years and the lack of progression for staff, we are demanding an inflation busting pay...
The Future Of Keypoint & Barnwood
Well, it was a non-denial, denial.According to press reports at the weekend, TSB said that: “It had no plans to close either Keypoint or Barnwood”. Members will appreciate that’s very different from saying: “TSB will not be closing either Keypoint or Barnwood”. TSB...
TSB To Close Either Keypoint or Barnwood in bid to cut costs
TSB begins 2020 as it left 2019, in a desperate scramble to cut its bloated cost base.Insiders have told the union that TSB will announce a further wave of reorganisations and job cuts in April – centred on head office roles - and at the same time it will announce the...
Pay & Engagement In TSB
Is it any wonder that 66% of TSB staff don’t believe that they are paid fairly for the work they do when over the last 2 years they have been on the receiving end of the worst pay deals in the finance sector. And, according to the latest engagement survey results,...
TBU Newsletters
Information when you need it most. Working in a rapidly changing industry you need authoritative, up to date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on. TBU’s regular newsletters will bring you the information you need; readable but with enough detail for you to form an opinion on the facts. We want you to see our newsletters regularly and as soon as they are issued.
To ensure you’re completely up-to-date, register to receive our newsletters by email or text message to your mobile phone (with a web link). As you would expect your email address and mobile number, like all our other membership information, are confidential to you and the Union.
To receive copies by email just let us have your details at 24hours@tbuonline.co.uk and we’ll arrange it.
Older newsletters are available upon request.