Legal Action Over Inflation Change
In previous Newsletters we reported that tens of thousands of Lloyds staff including many who now work for TSB would see their pension benefits reduce because of the changes to way pension increases would be calculated in future. Trustees of the BT, Ford and Marks and...
Letter To Mr Harry Baines: Lloyds Banking Group – Inflation Changes
Please click here to view a PDF version of the letter.
Back To Normality In TSB?
According to the Office for National Statistics 53% of workers travelled to their place of work last week. The expectation is that will steadily increase after the Easter holidays. The boss of Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, said that working from home is not the “new...
The End Is In Sight
The pandemic has not just been a financial disaster, for many of course it’s been a health and well-being crisis too. All our lives have been turned upside down since March last year, and that’s likely to continue well into this year. The effects of Covid on some of...
TSB Working From Home Survey 2.0
Will Working From Home Stick In TSB?
Whilst we can now see the light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel with 20+ million people having had one of the three vaccines, it’s still going to be a difficult few months for us all. The issue of what’s going to happen to those staff who have been working from...
Goodbye To Catalonia
TSB staff will have to wait until May to find out what’s going to happen to the bank. That is completely unacceptable. Sabadell said of its new strategy that it: “…plans to present its new strategic plan to investors and analysts in May. Sabadell, which has a strong...
Future Pension Increases – Letter To Members And MPs
The Union has sent the below letter to members asking them to write to their MP.
No ‘Money Confidence’ For Staff
When it comes to pay, it seems that David Schwimmer had done a lot better than TSB staff. We said that the 2021 pay award was going to be more important than ever before for TSB staff. The Retail Price Index (RPI), which is the measure of inflation used for...
Pay & Bonuses 2021
How much do you think TSB paid David Schwimmer, the American actor, to front its new advertising campaign? We ask because TSB is currently deciding the 2021 pay increase and bonus payments for staff. The outcome of those internal discussions will be announced shortly....
TBU Newsletters
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