Profit Before Communities

When TSB’s half-year results are announced next week there will be talk of the green shoots of recovery. Members should not be taken in by the spin. TSB’s earnings for the next few years are going to be under pressure from increasing competition in key markets,...

The New Sales Culture

It didn’t take long for the “world without sales” to become the world where only sales count.Members in one group, and we’ve seen similar forms in other groups as well, have been told to set out all the sales they have made personally and all the leads they have...

TSB Enters Dangerous Phase

Following our last newsletter on mental health in TSB, we had an overwhelming response from members about their own personal experiences. It’s clear that the effects of the migration debacle and the stress that caused staff, are still being felt. Here are some of the...

GMP Legal Case – Part 2

The second part of the Union’s landmark legal case on Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs) will begin in the High Court later this year. Members will recall the High Court ruled last year that the Trustee of the Lloyds pension schemes is under an obligation to equalise...

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