When Is It Closing, Gary?
At a meeting with staff in Ariel House on 8th March 2023, Gary Jones, Customer Delivery Director, gave the clear impression that the building was going to be closed and a new one found locally. To say that Ariel House needs a lick of paint is a massive understatement....
Major Step Forward In The Campaign For Fair Treatment Of Staff
“We recognise that ensuring a fair environment for employees can be a good indicator of a firm’s culture, which we see as important for how it is treating its customers as well.” They’re the words of the FCA in a recent letter to the union. It’s a crystal-clear...
Does Your Employer Know You’re Disabled?
A recent case heard at the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has highlighted the importance of disabled employees informing their employers of their disabilities. The Equality Act 2010 says that people are disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which...
Pay 2023 – One of the Worst Deals In The Finance Sector
At the same time as reporting record profits and a £50 million windfall dividend for its parent company, TSB is proposing to give its staff a miserly 6.5% pay increase. And that at a time when inflation is running at 13.4%. To put it simply, every member of staff in...
TBU Secures Top-Up Payments Worth £63 million
The Trustee of the Lloyds Banking Group Pension Schemes has said for the first time that it’s going to make top-up payments to those TSB members who transferred out of their final pension schemes. It will start making those payments later this year. We estimate that...
Confirm It In Writing!
“My manager said I could try the new job and if I wasn’t happy with it I could go back to my old role. Now they’re saying that this assurance was never given and that my transfer is permanent.”. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that routinely we receive calls...
Letter to Nick Prettejohn Regarding FCA & PRA Fines
Pay 2023
Lloyds staff received another £500 cost of living payment in December. That’s on top of the £1,000 they have already received. TSB staff have got just £500 so far and have to wait until next February to get the next £500 payment. TSB should increase that payment...
Transfer Pensions – Update
At the end of October, we wrote to hundreds of TBU members who had transferred their pensions out of one of the Lloyds Banking Group final salary pension scheme providing them with a standard letter to send to the Trustee. That letter said: “I have enclosed details of...
“Strain Every Last Sinew”
Those TSB staff who receive Universal Credit never got the full amount of the last cost of living payment in October because of the way the benefit works. If nothing changes, those same staff won’t get the full benefit of the cost of living payment in February 2023....
TBU Newsletters
Information when you need it most. Working in a rapidly changing industry you need authoritative, up to date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on. TBU’s regular newsletters will bring you the information you need; readable but with enough detail for you to form an opinion on the facts. We want you to see our newsletters regularly and as soon as they are issued.
To ensure you’re completely up-to-date, register to receive our newsletters by email or text message to your mobile phone (with a web link). As you would expect your email address and mobile number, like all our other membership information, are confidential to you and the Union.
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Older newsletters are available upon request.