TSB Redundancies

Members will recall that earlier this year Mr. Cesar Gonzalez-Bueno, the Sabadell Chief Executive Officer, let the genie out of the bottle when he said that TSB had set aside £29 million for job cuts and branch closures. TSB tried to put the genie back in the bottle...

TSB Redundancies

Responding to Mr. Cesar Gonzalez-Bueno, the Sabadell Chief Executive Officer, who said last week that a £29 million provision was booked for costs cuts, TSB told staff: “despite the headlines, any further potential changes are still some way off”. Well, it’s only a...

Pay 2024 & Redundancies

Whilst TSB has tried to put the cat back in the bag, the truth of what’s going to happen over the next 12 months was revealed by Sabadell last week. Mr. Cesar Gonzalez-Bueno, the Sabadell Chief Executive Officer, said when the results were announced last week that a...

£1,000 Help For TSB Staff Needed Now

TSB should use some of its increased profits from higher interest rates to give all staff an additional cost of living payment of £1000 before Christmas. Lloyds has just announced that it is giving staff and extra £500 in December. It should be a lot more given the...

The Changing Face of Representation

It’s stating the obvious to say that over the last 30 years the workplace has changed dramatically through a combination of technology and much different employer and employee attitudes. One of the areas affected most has been what used to be personnel, now human...

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