Mar 30, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19
It’s amazing how quickly TSB was to ensure that staff who were self-isolating at home but had no COVID – 19 symptoms were working. At the close of business on 19th March, 465 members of staff were self-isolating for 14 days.If it can find work for those staff, then...
Mar 27, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19
It seems that when it comes to TSB’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off.Debbie Crosbie and her senior executive team are paid lots and lots of money (in her case £1.5 million+ a year) to make the right decisions...
Mar 26, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19
In one of her previous notes, Carol Anderson, Director, Branch Banking TSB said: “I know that it is not bringing out the best in some of our customers and thank you for remaining firm and reasonable through your interactions”. That’s a major understatement based on...
Mar 26, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19
You simply could not make this up if you tried.TSB has set out its new opening hours, which we discuss in more detail below, and told staff that branches will close between 12.30pm and 1.30pm for lunch breaks. It then says that during their lunch breaks it expects...
Mar 25, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19, Sunderland Contact Centre
The bank says that the work being done by staff in the Sunderland Contact Centre is essential for the future of the bank but then in the same breath puts the health and safety of staff at risk because of its shoddy approach to dealing with COVID-19. It’s a litany of...