Compensation For The Staff Mr Pester?

TSB’s botched IT meltdown has entered its second week and as many as a million customers are still locked out of their accounts. If this disaster continues much into this week, drastic action will need to be taken and those decisions may be taken out of the hands of...

Sunderland – Complaints Pilot

For the past few months Sunderland Contact Centre has been running a pilot on complaint handling. According to the Bank, staff chosen to take part in the pilot, which involves advisers taking customer complaint calls in addition to general banking calls, have been...

What About The Staff Mr Pester?

We would urge Mr. Pester in all seriousness to stop saying things like “We are on our knees”. The problem with a statement like that, however you preface it, is it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and customers start panicking which is in no one’s interests. In the...

Is It Time To Go Mr Pester?

According to TSB customers can now access their accounts on mobile and internet platforms according to the Bank’s website.  However, TSB has limited the number of people who can access their accounts at any one time, because it expects a surge in customers trying to...

Let Them Eat Fruit

TSB is on the verge of a meltdown and staff working in a number of branches dealing customers who have not been able to access their accounts for days have been offered….wait for it……fruit to keep their vitamin C levels up in the face of a barrage of abuse! Meanwhile,...

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