Abuse By Customers On The Rise
In one of her previous notes, Carol Anderson, Director, Branch Banking TSB said: “I know that it is not bringing out the best in some of our customers and thank you for remaining firm and reasonable through your interactions”. That’s a major understatement based on...
What, No Lunch Breaks?
You simply could not make this up if you tried.TSB has set out its new opening hours, which we discuss in more detail below, and told staff that branches will close between 12.30pm and 1.30pm for lunch breaks. It then says that during their lunch breaks it expects...
What’s Going On In Sunderland?
The bank says that the work being done by staff in the Sunderland Contact Centre is essential for the future of the bank but then in the same breath puts the health and safety of staff at risk because of its shoddy approach to dealing with COVID-19. It’s a litany of...
More Protection For TSB Staff – Now
The UK Government’s classification of many banking roles as critical sends a clear message that it wants as many banking branches/contact centres/operational centres to be open as possible throughout this crisis. Even in Italy, which is now the global epicentre of...
COVID-19: Updated Government Guidance For Critical/Key Workers
All our advice on the key issues can be found on the COVID-19 Advice Hub section of our website, which can be viewed here.Last night (on 22.03.2020), the UK Government published the answers to some important questions on key workers, which we have reproduced below...
COVID-19: Schools Refusing To Accept Key Worker Children
We’ve received numerous calls from members who have been told by schools that, in their opinion, the members are either not key workers or they don’t qualify for school childcare because only one parent is a key worker. It seems that cases are largely being decided by...
COVID-19: Vulnerable People
We have been contacted by numerous members who, having been identified as vulnerable and sent home earlier in the week, have now been called back into work by TSB.As at 20th March 2020, the Government is advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from...
COVID-19: Key Worker Update
Are You A Key Worker?If you haven’t already seen it, the Government has confirmed the following with regard to key workers:Utilities, communication and financial servicesThis includes staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited...
Stop Interviews – Now
Following the Union’s recent Newsletters, TSB has issued further guidance to branches on COVID-19 which is a small step in the right direction but doesn’t go far enough in protecting staff and customers. Carol Anderson, Director, Branch Banking TSB has said “We have...
COVID-19: Latest Advice For Members
Here’s our latest advice on the questions we’re being asked most often. If you have any specific questions which are not covered, please contact the Advice Team on 01234 716029 (Choose Option 1).School Closures – Massive UncertaintyA further newsletter on the...
TBU Newsletters
Information when you need it most. Working in a rapidly changing industry you need authoritative, up to date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on. TBU’s regular newsletters will bring you the information you need; readable but with enough detail for you to form an opinion on the facts. We want you to see our newsletters regularly and as soon as they are issued.
To ensure you’re completely up-to-date, register to receive our newsletters by email or text message to your mobile phone (with a web link). As you would expect your email address and mobile number, like all our other membership information, are confidential to you and the Union.
To receive copies by email just let us have your details at 24hours@tbuonline.co.uk and we’ll arrange it.
Older newsletters are available upon request.