Newsletters From TBU

TSB’s Anna Karenina Moment?

The Anna Karenina Principle, taken from the opening sentence of Leo Tolstoy’s book, says that a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms an endeavour to failure. Consequently, the success of a particular endeavour is one where every deficiency has been...

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Opening Hours

As part of its review into branch opening hours, which will see the closure of 9 branches, TSB has said that a number of branches will reduce their opening hours from 9,00am to 5.00pm to 9.30am to 4.30pm. The branches will be closed over lunchtime.    Let’s be clear,...

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What’s In A Name?

As members now know the Union is changing the brand name it uses in TSB to “The Banking Union”; using “TBU” as the short version. The background to the change is that Lloyds Banking Group has threatened legal action to stop us using the word “Lloyds” in our name....

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£20Bn Case Goes To High Court

The Union’s landmark legal case on the equalisation of Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs) has now been lodged with the High Court. Members will recall that the Bank, TBU and the Lloyds Banking Group Pensions Trustee Limited are bringing the case jointly. Three...

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Legal History

The stakes couldn’t get much bigger. If our landmark legal action, which was covered widely in the national press, is successful then not only will up to 165,000 female members of the Bank’s defined benefit pension schemes be entitled to pension increases but some 5...

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TBU Newsletters

Information when you need it most. Working in a rapidly changing industry you need authoritative, up to date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on. TBU’s regular newsletters will bring you the information you need; readable but with enough detail for you to form an opinion on the facts. We want you to see our newsletters regularly and as soon as they are issued.

To ensure you’re completely up-to-date, register to receive our newsletters by email or text message to your mobile phone (with a web link). As you would expect your email address and mobile number, like all our other membership information, are confidential to you and the Union.

To receive copies by email just let us have your details at and we’ll arrange it.

Older newsletters are available upon request.


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